Welcome to JennLynn Designs

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." (– Leonardo Da Vinci). Though it is stated in Wikipedia, that Maestro Da Vinci, “never wrote nor was reported to have said this” is irrelevant. Whether he uttered these words or not, we know the genius of Leonardo; he lived it.

I believe that beauty lives in the realm of simplicity. While clutter confuses and creates chaos, simplicity reveals a certain truth; an essence; a soul. Simple is elegant.

In pursuit of beauty, my goal is to help my client find the simplicity that reflects their unique business. It is critical for me to fully understand what is important to the client and what defines their business, so that I can remain true to the integrity of their passion.

I gather everything I know or can find out about a concept, then proceed with taking away all that does not serve. Like the subtractive method of sculptor, I chip away at an undefined mass of clutter, until the simple truth is revealed.

Creating a cohesive connection of branding and marketing collateral into a definitive truth is the ultimate objective.

If you would like to see some samples of my work, please view the portfolio page.